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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Faith in everything

Couple of months back....was working on a methodolgy to work in our team.Was rather analyzingthe past data and came with this notion that we failed since we didn't believe the new methodolgy.We were convinced that it cannot value add.And thus all efforts went in vain and in end itwas concluded that the new methodologies are not suitable for the arena where our efforts are focussed.But now when we again are re-looking into the things i realize we failed since we didn't believe it.A medicine also works only,when u have faith in it that yes it will cure me.Then it was a methdology, we had put tremendous efforts with a negative conviction.Anything which has to be made to work,the focus of efforts always have to be in positive direction with faith in it.The faith and confidence to make something work only leads to success.Faith and the conviction to make something work no matter what ....leads to its fulfillment,the work could be some intangible pursuit to achieve something or to focus on certain traits.But yes,every step should start with a belief in it and in ourselves that yes it will work and we can do it.Otherwise...failure is the only result.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Surviving the tides....

Today,I was going through a blog of my friend Tarun on his evaluation and rather very appropriate questions about relationships primarily between a couple.I wrote a page length comment in it pouring all my analysisand might be understandings.I know he might be abusing....poora page bhar dala.But still it was a wonderful thing to tickle mind.
Why a couple goes through a rough patch after a while in marriage???
Though i wrote lots of things as comment in his blog but felt it will be worthwhile to write something or rather same analysis in my space too.As time fades away people start taking each other for granted and every relationship goes through this rough patch once a while, be it with ur siblings,friends or parents.These relationships usually survive,because we know they are precious and hence we always work to strive and maintain them.We forgive easily, we talk ,clarify our things easily, we try to understand each other's point of view, give respect and accept them the way they are,[Though it is not always,but still] and above all we have the easiness to walk away whenever we want.So these relationships don't bear the blunt of time to that extent.But for a couple once the time passes and the low tide comes.They are not able to sustainand cross the time because they are not willing to apply the principle fundamentals of a relationship.Our expectations that the other person should understand us becomes so high that we forget to give each other space,respect,forgiveness and might be willingness to atleast try to understand their point of view.And it happens because we know our partner will never go away from us...he/she will and has to be there for us always.I understand it becomes more difficult with time since priorities too change but might be just the willingness to understand the other's point of view always help !!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Harmandir sahib

Last weekend we had a wonderful experience of a trip to Harmandir sahib Amritsar.It was raining like anything out of monsoon rains and in midst of those freezing winds,we continued the trip.Visiting the shrine and one more gurudwara near by,getting completely drenched in rain but still urging to complete the whole rituals.It was special because i thoroughly enjoyed the rains and moreso the serene atmosphere around.This time I got thoroughly convinced that if their is a wish ,a way will follow sincerely.In late evening at Harmandir sahib,we have a ritual called sukh-asan.I'm always thrilled and enjoy the whole ritual of taking Guru Granth sahib to Akal takht in the palki.But this time it was raining badly.And the marble floors getting slippery as usual.But somewhere the urge to complete the ritual was boggling me[inspite of my present condition],so I decided to continue without any shelter and without minding the heavy rains.And as was expected when palki arrived the rain spurges decreased and to my amazement apart from the whole mob i managed a place to walk with the palki and the whole path was getting cleared and I was able to culminate the whole rituals to the best of my wishes.It gave a sense of fulfillment and the praise for Almighty that he carves way whenever and wherever we wish for.I was amazed I wasn't feeling tired neither fatigued apart from the stress i took.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

A beautiful Day

A beautiful day certainly, as I sit and see out from my room's window i watch a beautiful sky covered with heavy clouds.The thunder cluttering and the smooth breeze flows making me feel so good about things.It brings a sense of freshness, a feeling of enthusiasm, a meaning to my life.I think I'm writing too much since with rain comes the dreadful water-loggings,traffic jams and disturbances in daily rituals[Recent horrible experience].But then too sitting with a cup of tea and gazing the smiling faces of the people walking and running makes me feel so rejuvenated.Defintely weather has some effect on your reactions.Pleasantness brings smiles,refreshness and a whole lota of planning to do things.But alas, I'm in office working ....and ironically whenever we have holiday the same day weather also becomes too irritating to handle.I fail to understand the relationship between weather and a holiday.Nevermind,its good to be active in work and then enjoying the plesantness side by side,if it is not raining too much to handle the traffic and water-loggings

Monday, July 03, 2006

Brazil in FIFA world cup

I lost a bet for Brazil,for which i was confident that only it will win the world cup.For the last second even I was optimistic that there no way that Brazil will get out of the race.But aha to my surprise and my optimism demise,it lost.The team which had the worldclass players,the rich history of successes, the confidence of the enormous fan following was the best bet for the world cup.But might be it was showing the signs since begining of not showing the great show as expected.Either they had become complacent with their performance or had the belief that nobody else could take on them, or could be the other teams had started working more harder to counteract the world champions.Sustaining the performance i think is the most difficult thing to do.One can reach zenith with all hard work,conviction and motivation.But to maintain and sustain the Zenith is the work which needs more accurate planning,hard work and motivation.
Whatsover,Brazilians gave a well expected shock.I knew it since begining but wasn't ready to accept the reality about their performance.
But yes it will culminate with some cash flow out of my pocket for the wrong prediction after understanding everything since begining but being swayed away with emotions.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Satisfaction in appraisal time

Satisfaction is precisely peace with oneself.I have used this word ......because I feel this is an important aspect of a person to be mentally remain in peace with his one self.we are having appraisal time and within this gamuth of time...I'm seeing the blues on everybody's face.No body happy with what they are getting.Constantly cribbing about the boss,the company's HR policies, the work environment etc.Sometime i feel may be they are right and other time that do people really deserve what they are getting.The satisfaction comes from within beacuse defintely there is no control to desires but desires are important to progress also.Desires should make us move forward rather then making us so negative about things around.Desires should make me feel good and bring enthusiasm rather then making me a feel a dejected person.But phir bhi i feel i should have a good appraisal this I can..................

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Living our life by the convictions we believe in,is defintely a very balancing act.Balancing because I keep on thinking always what is the best level to tolerate and when to strike with courage.
Being in co-operate and the fast churning world makes me less tolerant and more arrogant.But that defintely is needed to excel here,but in all this ruins the personality traits to make our relationship flourish we need to be little more tolerant within our capabilties.Now here comes the balancing act, I think defintely our personailty should depict the attitude to take on the world and live life with our convictions instead of just adjusting which will eventually lead to lots of aftereffects.But it also means that the tolerance have to be increased to take on certain things because of might be somebody's happiness.Tolerance to let others be the way they are and accept them if it is within our capabilties.And striking with courage if it is not settling and geling with our convictions.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Remaining focussed

Today I'm in a kind of bad mood.Past few days have been bit critical at professional front.I'm getting tremendous criticism becuase of my job profile.By God's grace.....I have been bestowed with a job profile where i manage the work plan.And there comes the problems and resentment from people who might are seniors in experience. Though i always try to remain humble,courteous,always in control and respecting them for their positions.But suddenly,I'm getting reaction as .....she is not that senior to tell us what to do followed with all kind of wrong rumours etc.
Things i like to tell myself is to remain focussed to what my job demands ,respect the people around and always walk with my head firmly on my shoulders.Always be ready for changes and not get altered with prevailing negativity around.Because like all bad things ......rumours,reaction will die their own death.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Delhi's weather as usual is pretty hot these days.Every time i step out of the comforts gets more and more difficult for me to handle the scorching heat.and every day i feel that is hotter than last.I do all kind of excuses for not doing things............Keep cribbing all the time.Wishing that the supreme man's creation AC be with me all the time.....even if I'm walking out [Wow,how good it would be].
Then,it makes me wonder that it that suddenly it got very hot,or i have made myself habitual of comforts so slightest uneasiness and everything gets to my head.And there are so many people on streets fighting the weather in all circumstances...........and still willing to live,willing to work hard,willing to fight the odds ,turning it into their advantage by having better resistance and stronger body.
I understand that reaction to a situation is defintely in my hands.And i should better chill out,control my cribs and enjoy the delicious ice-creams in the goody weather.Its all in mind...........

Friday, May 05, 2006

Being serious......

Couple of comments here in my blog has started making me think it that I have started writing lots of serious a philosphical manner.Am i creating a serious stuff which makes you feel...God its so complicated.Then i think...nope it is rather a perfect manner in which i can pen my thoughts or rather learnings.Because I have learnt when the things are analyzed then comes an undertsanding in which a complex situation can be decoded to a simple answer.The answer helps to correct my attitude,helps to create awareness.Because awareness precedes the thoughts which is followed with the actions.We keep on reading,analyzing,dealing with different scenarios all the time but each comes with so much of hidden meanings and learnings that if we unleash it...we can have a better tomorrow with our attitude and actions.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Decision and decision

Life keeps on moving making u to take a decision at each step.It is the decision to remain either silent or talk.It is a decision to remain either happy or irritated.It is the decision to work or to remain idle.Oh God so much complexities....but to think it as complex or simple also is a decision and with it remain how crucial it is to take right decisions all the time.And the decision you take,the aftereffects also have to be beared.and then again how to take those after effects also is a decision to be taken by us. Huh it is a full something or don't do.But bear the after-effects of every decision.So better do something good for u and then take whatever come with it.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Guiltless attitude

Last night saw Mr.Salman coming out of jail,with so much attitude in his walking that made me wonder he coming after receiving some Oscar award. Was that a confidence of doing the right always or a shear guiltless attitude.Defintely, the way media has covered the whole episode etching every detail he is sleeping,eating,talking.He has became a hero again...Quite obvious he was getting a punishment for a murdering an extinct animal species when he fled easily after killing the common species known as human beings.After having a terriffic history of woman,rash driving,abusive behaviour,under world ........I'll say this had given him confidence to talk about visionaries in jail and walk with a confidence that makes u think...he must had a helluva good experience there.
But,I must say after so many sarcastic remarks ....if u believe ur worth then nothing can bring you down.U can always have this guiltless attitude for whatever u do and end up coining it as Confidence.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Daily rituals.....

Each day starts with new hope, new aspirations.longing me to think isn't it boring that each day virtually we follow the same routine.Office to home and home to midst trying to make the things work.Each day comes with its array of hardships,happiness,smiles.Then all this makes me feel ...that ya life is worth of all this.It is a constant struggle to smile.Constant rituals to make things happen.Sometime wanting the way we want and other time the way our destiny unfolds.But this constant work makes me realize the worth of things around me.Helps me to work hard to persist the good already i have and keep integrating it with what life gives.