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Thursday, June 01, 2006


Living our life by the convictions we believe in,is defintely a very balancing act.Balancing because I keep on thinking always what is the best level to tolerate and when to strike with courage.
Being in co-operate and the fast churning world makes me less tolerant and more arrogant.But that defintely is needed to excel here,but in all this ruins the personality traits to make our relationship flourish we need to be little more tolerant within our capabilties.Now here comes the balancing act, I think defintely our personailty should depict the attitude to take on the world and live life with our convictions instead of just adjusting which will eventually lead to lots of aftereffects.But it also means that the tolerance have to be increased to take on certain things because of might be somebody's happiness.Tolerance to let others be the way they are and accept them if it is within our capabilties.And striking with courage if it is not settling and geling with our convictions.


Anonymous said...

A strong belief. I think you are already doing a wonderful job balancing things in life. I read your article and it has some very strong messages put forward in a very subtle way.

Tolerance is a tricky word. We realize that we have been used as a doormat mostly when someone has already walked over us.

As always, a nice read.

God Speed.

Rupi said...

Hey Rimps,
I completely understand ur point of view but u know what....sometimes life do offer implausible circumstances, phases, time but whats required is the patience to face them. Dont embroil urself in any argument or situation which is not at all worth considering. Trust 'Him' and u will find the way!!
And yeah u have emerged as a very gud writer since u started pouring ur mind out!
Be happy ....God Bless u....!