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Friday, May 19, 2006

Remaining focussed

Today I'm in a kind of bad mood.Past few days have been bit critical at professional front.I'm getting tremendous criticism becuase of my job profile.By God's grace.....I have been bestowed with a job profile where i manage the work plan.And there comes the problems and resentment from people who might are seniors in experience. Though i always try to remain humble,courteous,always in control and respecting them for their positions.But suddenly,I'm getting reaction as .....she is not that senior to tell us what to do followed with all kind of wrong rumours etc.
Things i like to tell myself is to remain focussed to what my job demands ,respect the people around and always walk with my head firmly on my shoulders.Always be ready for changes and not get altered with prevailing negativity around.Because like all bad things ......rumours,reaction will die their own death.


Theo Greene said...
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Rupi said...

Hey Rimps...
I believe that each incident that you encounter in life adds to ur experience.The difficulties that we face today are the prices we pay for the accomplishments of tomorrow.People do behave outrageously...but then u know wat is to be done...wat shud be done and wat u will do! So take it with a chilled glass of water!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I understand your situation. And I would not use any flowery word to express sympathy.

There has been an ongoing and eternal struggle between those who have stayed more in the company and the ones who are new and more efficient. This is like dirt on your cloth, should be just washed and forgotten. Just speak it out to ones you trust.

Make sure you remove it from your mind in an apathetic way...a little banter here and there. They should be pitied for their insecurities, they resent you coz of your ability shows them what they lack.

Let's go soft on these ignorant poor cretins.

God Speed.
(although i agree, it's easier said than done).