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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Daily rituals.....

Each day starts with new hope, new aspirations.longing me to think isn't it boring that each day virtually we follow the same routine.Office to home and home to midst trying to make the things work.Each day comes with its array of hardships,happiness,smiles.Then all this makes me feel ...that ya life is worth of all this.It is a constant struggle to smile.Constant rituals to make things happen.Sometime wanting the way we want and other time the way our destiny unfolds.But this constant work makes me realize the worth of things around me.Helps me to work hard to persist the good already i have and keep integrating it with what life gives.


Anonymous said...

well ya its the way life goes and its going on and on for long.......its the hope of getting and giving better to the world around us which will definitely
unfold good destiny for us....its a continuous process and each and everyday brings lot of joy if we wanna make it a joy to always hold and integrate the best we get from life.........
Good work.Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

hey amy
U have turned into a philosopher huh!
Isn't it amazing what age does to silly ol' people like us

will visit again!


Tarun said...

Well amy, it depends how u can
make ur day.. take it as it comes or well give it a smile n wait for yet another moment to unfold itself !

Anonymous said...

Hey Rimpi!!

Read your page, since when did u become a writer and a poet? Kidding I know ur brilliant hehehehe Good job...... Missing u

Anonymous said...

That's some serious thought. It's one of questions, i never have found a convincing answer to.

I admit, I donot know my purpose in life in a philosophical way. I am part of a rat race even if I like it or not. But I am sure I will leave a mark on some lives before I bid farewell to my mundane routines.

God Speed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rimpi

This is tooo good..just felt the same way as i keep thinking almost daily.