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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Decision and decision

Life keeps on moving making u to take a decision at each step.It is the decision to remain either silent or talk.It is a decision to remain either happy or irritated.It is the decision to work or to remain idle.Oh God so much complexities....but to think it as complex or simple also is a decision and with it remain how crucial it is to take right decisions all the time.And the decision you take,the aftereffects also have to be beared.and then again how to take those after effects also is a decision to be taken by us. Huh it is a full something or don't do.But bear the after-effects of every decision.So better do something good for u and then take whatever come with it.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely right...
We shape our lives by the decisions we make. Either be afraid and stay back or dream and take a plunge. It's pointless to live life in bits n pieces and compromises. Be things that make you feel good...but know when to stop lest you become a botheration to others. Decide?

God Speed.

Rupi said...

Well rimps..i totally agree with u...decision making is something which at times can become a bit difficult and perplexing. Decisions are accompanied by responsibilities and ur perspectives. You have to decide your course in may hurt others as well (when you dont want it to happen!!). One should not be tagged as bold or coward by his/her one decision, it may be something that is actually required. People may misunderstand u....these are the most horrible aftermaths...but then as long as u know what is correct...u shud not take ur foot off the road!!
Nice Blog...i must say...

Anonymous said...

U write very heavy blogs... life itself is serious.. try adding some gud fun in blogs

Anonymous said...

Decision , decision and Decision....

i think i have to now make a decision whether to read ur blogs or not :)
what say?
ANOTHER DECISION huh.............