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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Memoir

From where should I start???A pretty hectic day that right now I’m exhausted with emotions of anger , fatigue , extreme tiredness and may be frustation. May be once provoked I’ll either bash somebody with continuous honest words or to avoid being out of control,I will cry.

Now everybody would be wondering kya hua…why so???? Taking care of a naughty one and a half year boy leads to same kind of emotions at the end of the day .Ironically…than too I always look forward to the next day to play with him, handle him, understand him.As each day is a new day when he brings about newer challenges for me in the pursuit of his own independency. Making my whole strategies tumble over their heels in pursuit of making him a better human being , and than again I’m back thinking for newer ways. Being polite and patient is the biggest daunting task when he continues doing things which I abhor him to do. Repeated requests, distractions nothing work with him if he put his mind into something .So either I got to let him be on his way or become firm and might be at times lose temper also.hahaha..thats why now I say i have started respecting all parents more.

But this also has led that I have started controlling myself more for the things which I don’t want in my son. So now, I have to escape his eye for drinking water directly from fridge. I have to check using foul language for anybody or anything.I have to fight in a calm manner and be gentle come whatsoever may be.Really tough!!

And being patient with a naughty boy like him really needs nerve.Because he will do whatever I shall stop him to do.When I get him ready for park in his new clothes ,I just need to turn my back and then he is sitting right under a water tap in bathroom.I try to teach him to do loo in bathroom and he will nod and will tell me right after he does loo somewhere or on bed.I make all kind of new dishes for him and he rejects them as if they are the worst cooked in the world not even paining to glance them atleast.I'm running after every one hour with a portion of food and he will reject and within minutes will accept the same food from somebody else.Will ask for a thing from a high above in almirah and within minutes will want me to help him to keep it back.And if I'm talking to him, within a second he reaches somewhere up,above that I get puzzled for sometime how he reached there and how he gets such an infinite source of energy.If I'm tired its very sure that he will seldom let me take rest that day.And as such he is fine and learns things nicely but colours.Everybody knows the world is blue for him.I will keep teaching him and he keeps repeating in the end "blue".If I say plant leaves are of green colour and moment I ask"Arsh what is colour of plant leaves" he will smile cunningly and say "Blue".And I'm " do i teach him".

Yes its really fun.At times tiring but worthwhile learning as I always say.Children make you forget the world and realize, make you amazed at the creation God has created.They are defintely God like because their emotions irrespective of anybody remains same.Not an ounce of jealousy,ego,anger and sooo pure ,happy that that they are the best teachers and an instrument to realize the God and your parents worth.


Rupi said...

Nice article gurl! But I somehow sense frustration in your talks..hahaha!! Dont worry...think about the times when you were a kid.
Noni Singh keeps you busy and that is something you love him for :)

I'll make him read all these articles when he will grow up :)

Cheers and keep the enthu up...:)

Amrinder Kaur said...

ya thanks for ur nice words.
Surely wrote frustation part specially for him (Arsh)to read.To make him realize how tiring was to bring him up and may be when he will take care of his children he can read this and get the enthu ki atleast his children are bettter than him.

Tarun said...

Article is nice n frustating ;) [ just d tone :)]

but see how all of us as humans think of future all the time.. same is true for me as well ..

Rupi thinkin wen noni singh wil be older.. amy thinkin wen noni singh wil hv children n me thinkin .. wen amy wud read this blog..

No one thinking..
how sweetly right now noni singh is sleepin which helped amy towrite this blog, how much rupi is misisng noni singh by reading this blog and how much I am happy to write this comment..

Keep blogging

Anonymous said...

hey bhagwan.....ek achha boy bana de tu usko pehle phur human being human being karte rehna.....tu bhi na hadh hi hai....i think bilkul tujhe par gaya hai noni singh...tabhi itna naughty hai....i really sympathize NOT WITH YOU but ur mom dad :) hehehehheh enjoy and have fun....
pehchan kaun?

Anonymous said...

Hey bhagwan chhavi thanx for ur sweet comments and sympathy.hahaha..koi ni beta..mera time bhi aayega don't worry.