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Friday, October 06, 2006

Surviving the tides....

Today,I was going through a blog of my friend Tarun on his evaluation and rather very appropriate questions about relationships primarily between a couple.I wrote a page length comment in it pouring all my analysisand might be understandings.I know he might be abusing....poora page bhar dala.But still it was a wonderful thing to tickle mind.
Why a couple goes through a rough patch after a while in marriage???
Though i wrote lots of things as comment in his blog but felt it will be worthwhile to write something or rather same analysis in my space too.As time fades away people start taking each other for granted and every relationship goes through this rough patch once a while, be it with ur siblings,friends or parents.These relationships usually survive,because we know they are precious and hence we always work to strive and maintain them.We forgive easily, we talk ,clarify our things easily, we try to understand each other's point of view, give respect and accept them the way they are,[Though it is not always,but still] and above all we have the easiness to walk away whenever we want.So these relationships don't bear the blunt of time to that extent.But for a couple once the time passes and the low tide comes.They are not able to sustainand cross the time because they are not willing to apply the principle fundamentals of a relationship.Our expectations that the other person should understand us becomes so high that we forget to give each other space,respect,forgiveness and might be willingness to atleast try to understand their point of view.And it happens because we know our partner will never go away from us...he/she will and has to be there for us always.I understand it becomes more difficult with time since priorities too change but might be just the willingness to understand the other's point of view always help !!