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Friday, May 19, 2006

Remaining focussed

Today I'm in a kind of bad mood.Past few days have been bit critical at professional front.I'm getting tremendous criticism becuase of my job profile.By God's grace.....I have been bestowed with a job profile where i manage the work plan.And there comes the problems and resentment from people who might are seniors in experience. Though i always try to remain humble,courteous,always in control and respecting them for their positions.But suddenly,I'm getting reaction as .....she is not that senior to tell us what to do followed with all kind of wrong rumours etc.
Things i like to tell myself is to remain focussed to what my job demands ,respect the people around and always walk with my head firmly on my shoulders.Always be ready for changes and not get altered with prevailing negativity around.Because like all bad things ......rumours,reaction will die their own death.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Delhi's weather as usual is pretty hot these days.Every time i step out of the comforts gets more and more difficult for me to handle the scorching heat.and every day i feel that is hotter than last.I do all kind of excuses for not doing things............Keep cribbing all the time.Wishing that the supreme man's creation AC be with me all the time.....even if I'm walking out [Wow,how good it would be].
Then,it makes me wonder that it that suddenly it got very hot,or i have made myself habitual of comforts so slightest uneasiness and everything gets to my head.And there are so many people on streets fighting the weather in all circumstances...........and still willing to live,willing to work hard,willing to fight the odds ,turning it into their advantage by having better resistance and stronger body.
I understand that reaction to a situation is defintely in my hands.And i should better chill out,control my cribs and enjoy the delicious ice-creams in the goody weather.Its all in mind...........

Friday, May 05, 2006

Being serious......

Couple of comments here in my blog has started making me think it that I have started writing lots of serious a philosphical manner.Am i creating a serious stuff which makes you feel...God its so complicated.Then i think...nope it is rather a perfect manner in which i can pen my thoughts or rather learnings.Because I have learnt when the things are analyzed then comes an undertsanding in which a complex situation can be decoded to a simple answer.The answer helps to correct my attitude,helps to create awareness.Because awareness precedes the thoughts which is followed with the actions.We keep on reading,analyzing,dealing with different scenarios all the time but each comes with so much of hidden meanings and learnings that if we unleash it...we can have a better tomorrow with our attitude and actions.