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Thursday, August 23, 2007

A naughty boy in making....

Time is fleeing soo fast n this naughty boy of mine is showing his full glimpses to catch up variety of things.His enthusiasm level is touching new heights n each day is becoming a new day filled with newer tacts,sweetness,naughtiness n understandings.

So Arsh now a seven month old baby..has learnt to sit on his own.His toddler talk has come to its full potential n he actually talks to us in his marvellous language with full eye contact...hey hey,yaya ya,grr gu ganu gama,ahe ahe ,aaa.His expressions to see something exciting rather colourful is always hey hey his loudest pitch.And yes the most sweetest quality of being a jumping jack.Whenever Arsh is in joyful mood he will sit n stand continously...did 45 situps at one go once.I tried and oops couldn't complete even 5 in a row.Since children are bestowed with the super flexible n healthy body..they create marvels.Guess,we too were likewise flexible but may be lost it little(to pacify myself)in usual drums of life n rituals..

Ya this naughty boy is a visual treat to watch when he will check each n every nook corner of a toy...and will beat it in a characteristic Arsh style.Will leave one toy heading towards another n will complete a round with all the toys in half hour.So poor Ma'ma has to apply
recycling startegy..will show him one toy n then hide it....and after some time will give the same toy...which defintely makes her on job 24 hour.Not to forget Arsh's special inclination to all black remote controls,black pipes( swerage pipes too..yucks),Water bottles,cream boxes and what not.After getting up,he soo energetically prepares to do next line of if every minute is valuable n he should not waste even a single second.And poor me..always keep saying u r just seven months old baby....

I do think parenthood is making me quite innovative n creative too.I get surprised by myself when i try different startegies to pacify him,different games to make Arsh play with the same set of toys.And above all when i narrate insensible stories for which i need to improve n the wonderful nursery rhymes.The lullabies n nursery rhymes which he hears so attentively n gets pacified immediately ending up smiling...making me feel that atleast somebody likes my voice.I know lot are of opinion that he it is a kind of request to me to please stop the torture.No matter..i will keep the good work going.. which is helping me to learn n explore newer things each day.

But now, got to be more vigilant as his enthusiasm has started becoming riskier too.He hits himself instantly with lot of things since doesnot know what will hurt him.When he gets hurt ..Ma'ma feels soo bad though she keeps telling herself "You did ur best to take care but certain things are inevitable.His falls will only make him learn."But yeh dil starts repenting.God now i understand why mothers are soo sensitive.

Lastly, the sweetest n the meanest part that I keep telling everybody specially Arsh's Dad ek din sambhaloo arsh ko and then get all the likely advantages...hehe.