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Saturday, March 03, 2007

My baby

So writing virtually after one month after my baby's arrival.Yup everything has been damn recovering and the baby adjusting to the new world.Oh now i wonder how come people manage so many kids......God my baby..i mean Arsh sleeps all day and gets up in night when everybody plans to get to their respective beds.Now, everybody at their toes trying their level best to calm him down...and then getting proud of their tricks that see he knows me well..thats why responds.
But yes he is an absolute pleasure that whosoever comes home...his/her first task is to wash hands and play with him.And he got so many names at such a tender age noni singh,dakanu,babuji, monko,ginni ...and the list goes on and on.His innocence,smile,and cuteness makes me feel that wow......the almighty gives us such a tender, raw thing and slowly with utmost patience and persevarance we need to shape it into a responsible,confident individual who is ready to take on the world.
On his development front, Arsh has started smiling a lot and crying with this pecular anga anga style.I don't understand what is this anga??? and when we talk to him in a childish language he responds as if he understands everything.And makes funny faces,and gives really weird smiles.But what is more funnier is how we talk to him.......everybody is dispalying their best childish behaviour and addressing each other the way Arsh will talk.He defintely has changed our world....for good.